Black communities, people of color, the disability community at large, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and low-income communities continue to be especially hard-hit by the pandemic and the abandonment of Covid-19 precautions. The pandemic reproduces the very forms of ableism, classism, and racism that existed before

Our Values:

At SPARK, we are committed to achieving liberation through bodily autonomy for everyone. We understand that this cannot be accomplished if we work in isolation and focus solely on individuals. As Fannie Lou Hamer said, “Nobody’s free until everybody’s free!” We embody this principle of collective liberation in all our actions. One way we demonstrate this is by prioritizing community care and protecting one another during the ongoing public health crisis. We place those most impacted by the crisis at the forefront by aligning our values with disability justice principles.

Gathering Practices:

After a grand pivot from our virtual JusticeNOW2020 conference, we are thrilled and eager to gather in person. As we shift to gathering in person, we are dedicated to implementing these safety practices to prevent the spreading of COVID-19. SPARK takes the spread of COVID-19 seriously. Our top priority is your safety and SPARK will make the best effort  to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable while at theJusticeNOW2024.

Committed SPARK Practices for JusticeNOW 2024:

  • We will designate 1-2 folks to be the COVID-19 Safety Team that folks can go to with questions and concerns pertaining to public health safety.
  • We will provide an FDA-approved test for each participant upon check-in of JusticeNOW2024. Only participants with a negative test will be permitted to participate.
  • We will provide (K)N95 masks and they will be highly suggested to wear throughout JN2024
  • We will provide hand sanitizing stations thought out the venue
  • We will strive to ensure our technology is set up for invited guest  to attend virtually in the event that they have been exposed to COVID-19 or are experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19

While SPARK  is committed to upholding the above practices, we ask attendees to commit to the following practices.

Committed Attendee Practices:

  • All attendees use FDA-approved at home or clinically administered Rapid Antigen or PCR test administered within 24-hours prior to your arrival in Atlanta, at the hotel or the Loudermilk center. If you test positive, we request that you avoid physically attending any JusticeNOW2024 activities and quarantine yourself.
  • All attendees ensure that they have a negative test result from FDA-approved Rapid Antigen or PCR tests within 24 hours prior to the gathering.
  •  All attendees will test upon check-in to the JusticeNOW2024. The COVID-19 Safety team will confirm that folks have tested, but will not be asking for proof of negative test results. If someone tests positive, we trust that they will not attend in person and utilize the virtual option.
  • All attendees ensure they have not been exposed to and are not experiencing

symptoms related to COVID-19. If they have been exposed or are experiencing

symptoms, we at SPARK, trust they will not attend in person.

Related Symptoms Include (source: CDC, updated October 2022):

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat (throat may feel scratchy instead of sore)
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Highly encourage all attendees to stay masked with a fitting (K)N95 or KF94 mask when

indoors. They will try their best to only remove their mask when they eat and

drink in the designated spaces.  

  • All attendees will wash their hands and use hand sanitizers when appropriate.
  • All attendees ensure that they test using an FDA approved Rapid Antigen or PCR test within 24 hours after the gathering. If they test positive, they will inform someone on the COVID-19 Safety Team so that they can inform attendees of possible exposure to the virus. We ask this because there is the possibility of someone in the meeting space being infected, asymptomatic, and potentially spreading the virus to others in the space.
  • If anyone experiences symptoms or is feeling sick up to 5 days after the event, please inform the COVID-19 Safety Team so that they can inform attendees of possible exposure to the virus.

COVID Protocol

  • Daily testing will be required
    • The tests are no cost to you but are required to receive your credentials/daily wristbands at registration and entry to the opening night event. 
  • Upon arrival at the Candler Hotel and the Loudermilk (if you are not staying at the hotel) , visit the testing locations to receive your test. 
  • On Nov 15, 2024 , testing will happen at the hotel from 9-5pmET and 10-5pm ET at the Loudermilk
    • If you test positive DO NOT enter the conference gathering spaces or attend any conference activities. Contact the COVID Safety Team to notify them of your positive results. Please quarantine as soon as possible. 
    • Once you’ve tested and your results are negative, you will be provided with a wristband to wear for the duration of JusticeNOW2024. The wristband is your “clearance” for registration. 
  • On Nov 16-17, 2024 test will be available outside of  the Loudermilk  Conference Center from 8-10am ET each day at a designated and marked location
    • If you test positive DO NOT enter the conference gathering spaces or attend any conference activities. Contact the COVID Safety Team to notify them of your positive results. Please quarantine as soon as possible. 
    • Once you’ve tested and your results are negative, you will be provided with a wristband to wear for the duration of JusticeNOW2024. The wristband is your “clearance” for registration. 

SPARK will support the containment of COVID in the following ways: 

  • We’ll have sanitizing lotion available throughout the venue. 
  • We’ll have COVID tests available for you at check-in. 
  • We’ll provide (K)N95 or KF94 masks to all attendees.

DO NOT attend if any of the following is true for you or anyone in your party: 

  • Have tested positive or been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within 14 days prior to attending the conference. 
  • Have experienced symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., a fever of 100.4 degrees F or higher, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, repeated shaking, muscle pain/achiness, headache, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, nasal congestion, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, or any other symptoms associated with COVID-19, as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) within 48 hours prior to attending the Congress. 

If you Registered for JusticeNOW and can no longer attend due to COVID, please contact [email protected].

What are the COVID protocols for children? 

We take the care and health of our children very seriously. We ask that children adhere to the same protocols as every participant. If you or your children do not consent to the above protocols, we ask that you join us virtually instead of in person, to ensure that every participant remain as safe as possible. 

ABOUT the COVID Safety Team

SPARK’s JusticeNOW 2024 COVID Safety team is committing to contributing to the safety of the conference for all participants. Our team will be available for rapid response via email at [email protected] to directly support our attendees with any questions or concerns that they may have about our protocols, as well as receive critical information in the event that any participants unfortunately test positive for COVID at or before the conference. Our COVID Safety team will also be in the space at the conference to provide and distribute masks and other cautionary materials as needed.